Cannabis Industry – Robbery/Violence Risks for Dispensary Workers

Workers at cannabis dispensaries might have a very unique job, but that doesn’t mean they’re immune from workplace injuries or accidents. For cannabis dispensary workers, there are many on-the-job risks that come with selling cannabis products. Since they sell an in-demand product, one of the greatest risks is injuries associated with robberies or violent customers.

If their store is targeted by someone attempting to steal cannabis products, dispensaries employees could suffer from many different types of injuries. These include:

  • Gunshot wounds or wounds from other weapons
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Broken bones
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Slip-and-falls
  • Mental health issues, like anxiety or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after a violent encounter

For example, a cannabis employee could suffer broken bones from a fall while trying to stop an attack, or deal with extreme job-related anxiety after an encounter with a violent dispensary patron.

Risks like these can make it difficult for your cannabis dispensary clients or other cannabis industry clients to find the right Workers’ Compensation coverage. At PEO Insurance Brokers Network, we help agents find homes for their cannabis industry clients or other clients in high-risk industries. We provide Workers’ Compensation coverage to businesses in need, no matter the risk, and help agents find the best PEO coverage and savings for their insured. To learn how we can help you find coverage for your cannabis industry clients, please reach out to receive a quote.

Published On: June 7th, 2023Categories: BlogTags: , , , , ,
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