
Why Your Warehouse Industry Clients Need Strong Workers’ Compensation Options

Why Your Warehouse Clients Need Workers’ Compensation In the warehouse industry, your clients need strong Workers’ Compensation coverage options! This is because your clients in the warehouse industry face a wide variety of unique injury and accidents risks. For your warehouse industry clients, some of the most common [...]

With Slip-and-Fall Risks, Warehouse Workers Need Great Coverage

Warehouse Industry – Slip and Fall Risks According to statistics from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), warehouse workers are at a higher risk of slip-and-fall injuries than workers in other industries. This is because the warehouse floor can include many slip-and-fall hazards, such as: Slippery surfaces [...]

August 30th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

WC and PEO Options for Warehouse Clients with Forklift Risks

Warehouse Industry – Forklift Accidents In warehouses, forklifts help workers reach and move heavy products, boxes, and other day-to-day objects. However, forklifts are also a major cause of warehouse accidents and result in many injuries each year. There are many different types of forklift accidents that can impact [...]

Help Warehouse Clients Beat Heat Hazards with Strong Workers’ Comp and PEO Options

Warehouse Industry – Hot Weather Hazards When temperature soar, warehouse employees can pay a heavy price. Since they often perform strenuous or repetitive behavior in an enclosed space, warehouse workers are at an increased risk of heat stroke, a serious illness which occurs when the body can no [...]

Help Warehouse Industry Clients Protect Their Workers with Top Workers’ Comp and PEO Options 

Warehouse Industry – Fire Risk for Warehouse Workers According to statistics from the National Fire Protection Associate, warehouses are among the places most commonly affected by fires, which lead to dozens of injuries and millions of dollars in property loss each year. Warehouse fires have a variety of [...]

November 7th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

Stand Alone Workers’ Comp and PEO Options Available for Your Difficult to Cover Warehouse Workers

Repetitive Injury Risks for Warehouse Workers Warehouse employees often do repetitive or similar tasks throughout their workday, such as restocking products, packing orders, or placing products for transportation. This puts them at an increased risk of repetitive motion injuries, or injuries that occur from normal but repeated motions. [...]

May 9th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

Hard To Place PEO Workers Compensation Insurance

How We Help Agents with High Risk, Hard to Place PEO Clients Find a home for your clients, no matter the risk! At PEO Insurance Brokers Network, we’re the experts on helping agents find the best Workers’ Compensation coverage for their clients in high-risk industries. Armed security guards [...]