Solutions for Your Commercial Fishing Industry Clients with Repetitive Motion Risks

USL&H – Repetitive Motion Injuries in Commercial Fishing If you’ve enjoyed fish or seafood recently, you have your clients in the commercial fishing industry to thank! In the commercial fishing industry, workers perform many different tasks, including catching, sorting, cleaning, gutting, and processing fish. Overtime, responsibilities like these [...]

January 22nd, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

Workers’ Compensation Options to Help Barge Industry Clients Overcome Slip-and-Fall Risks

USL&H – Slip-and-Fall Risks for Barge Workers Your barge worker clients have a unique workplace environment—and unfortunately, it presents many unique injury risks. One of these is slip-and-fall risks. While working to build and repair barges, workers in the barge industry may face slip-and-fall risks such as: Wet [...]

December 18th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |

Workers’ Comp and PEO Options for Help Marina Operators Weather Dangerous Conditions

USL&H Industry – Weather Risks for Marina Operators On the water, there’s an increased risk of dangers related to inclement weather, like flooding, intense lightning, and hazards from hurricanes and other severe storms. This means that marina operators are at an increased risk of weather-related injuries, since their [...]