Tree trimming

PEO and Workers’ Compensation Options for Tree Trimming Clients with Equipment Injury Risks

Tree Trimming Industry – Equipment Injuries in Tree Trimming To perform essential and everyday tasks like cutting, pruning, and maintaining trees, your clients in the tree trimming industry use a variety of tools and equipment, like: Chainsaws Ladders Wood chippers Handheld tools, like pruning shears Ropes and rigging [...]

How Workers’ Compensation Helps Your Tree Trimming Clients with Laceration Risks

Tree Trimming Industry – Laceration Risks In the tree trimming industry, your clients can suffer catastrophic injuries, like paralysis from a slip-and-fall or electrocution from coming into contact with a power line. However, your tree trimming clients can also suffer from smaller—but still dangerous—injuries, including lacerations. A laceration [...]

February 21st, 2024|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

Strong Workers’ Comp and PEO Options for Tree Trimming Clients

Tree Trimming Industry – Chemical Risks Though they mainly work with plants and trees, workers in the tree trimming industry may also encounter a variety of chemicals while planting, removing, or extracting trees. These chemicals include: Fertilizers Pesticides Fungicides Herbicides They can also be exposed to other chemicals [...]

Finding PEO and Workers’ Comp Options for Tree Trimming Clients with Chainsaw Risks

Tree Trimming Industry – Chainsaw Accidents To remove branches or cut down trees, workers in the tree trimming industry use a variety of tools and equipment, including chainsaws. This puts tree trimming industry workers at an increased risk of chainsaw-related injuries, which can lead to serious injuries or [...]

Great Workers’ Comp and PEO Options for Tree Planting Workers with Musculoskeletal Injuries

Tree Trimming Industry – Musculoskeletal Injuries for Tree Planting Workers A lot of work goes into planting the trees that beautify communities, provide shade, and make up local forests. Tree planting workers perform many strenuous tasks throughout the process of planting a tree, including digging holes, removing debris [...]

January 16th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

Beating the Heat with Workers’ Comp and PEO Options for Roofing Clients with Heat Stroke Risk

Roofing Industry – Heat Exposure Even when the weather is hot, people still need assistance with repairing the roofs of their homes, office buildings, and other areas—which means that roofers are often out working in very hot conditions. In warm and hot weather, roofers are at an increased [...]

Workers’ Comp and PEO Options to Help Tree Trimming Clients Beat Heat Exposure Risks

Tree Trimming Industry – Heat Exposure Risks Workers in the tree trimming industry often perform strenuous labor when performing job-related duties like cutting decayed limbs, planting or removing trees, or shredding tree trimmings or other debris. On hot days, tasks like these can put them at an increased [...]

August 1st, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |