
How to Help Your Transportation Clients Navigate the Dangers of Fatigued Driving

Transportation Industry – Dangers of Fatigued Driving for Truck Drivers To deliver goods all across the country, your truck driver clients in the transportation industry likely spend many long hours on the roads. This increases their chances of driver fatigue, which can put them—and others—at a serious risk [...]

How We Help You Protect Your Temporary Staffing Clients from Traffic Accidents

Temporary Staffing Industry – Transportation Injuries When someone is unfamiliar with a route or road, it increases their risk of being involved in a traffic accident. This is why temporary staffing workers in the transportation industry often find themselves at a high risk of traffic accidents. If a [...]

Protect Parcel/Delivery Drivers with Great Workers’ Comp and PEO Options

Transportation Industry – Slip and Fall Risks for Parcel/Delivery Drivers In their quest to get packages and other parcels delivered on time, parcel and delivery drivers in the transportation industry may find themselves at an increased risk of slip-and-fall injuries. Their duties may put them in contact with [...]

Workers’ Comp and PEO Options to Overcome Transportation Industry Slip-and-Falls

Transportation Industry – Slip-and-Fall Risks for Long-Haul Truck Drivers While they may spend more time driving on the roads than walking on them, long-haul truck drivers are still at risk of slip-and-fall injuries! For example, a truck driver could slip on a wet surface while delivering products, trip [...]

Workers’ Comp and PEO Options for Bus Company Clients with High Accident Risks

Transportation Industry – Traffic Accident Risks for Bus Drivers Bus driving companies and their employees play an important role in helping people travel to work and activities in an efficient and affordable way, plus help the environment by reducing vehicle emissions. But since bus company employees are frequently [...]

March 15th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |

On the Road, Tow Truck Drivers Need Great Worker’s Comp and PEO Options

Transportation Industry – Traffic Accident Risk for Tow Truck Drivers Accidents and vehicle breakdowns occur every day, which means that tow truck drivers have a busy schedule. Between driving to the scene of the accident or breakdown and towing the damaged vehicle to a safer location, tow truck [...]

Help Trucking Clients Get Back on the Road with Great Workers’ Comp and PEO Options

Transportation Industry – Knee Injuries for Truck Drivers In their everyday work, both long-haul and short-haul truckers may find themselves doing repetitive movements such as: Operating the clutch Operating the gas pedal Loading and unloading cargo Climbing in and out of their truck While movements like these may [...]

Workers’ Comp and PEO Options to Help Transportation Clients Navigate Back Injuries Risks

Transportation Industry – Back Injuries for Truck DriversWhile truck drivers spend many hours on the roads, they may also frequently deal with other types of labor, such as loading or unloading their trucks. This puts them at an increased risks of back injuries from lifting boxes, crates, or [...]