
The Benefits of a PEO Partnership for Your Logging Industry Clients

The Benefits of a PEO for Your Logging Industry Clients Do you have clients in the logging industry? If you do, you know logging can be a high-risk industry, fraught with on-the-job risks like: Machinery accidents, including life-threatening crushing or entanglement injuries Struck-by accidents involving logs, tree limbs, [...]

How to Help Your Logging Industry Clients Overcome Wood Chipper Risks

Logging Industry – Wood Chipper Equipment Risks In the logging industry, workers frequently use heavy, dangerous, or fast-moving equipment. This includes wood chippers, a motor-driven machine that cuts wood into chips. The chips can then be used for many purposes, like landscaping or composting. Wood chippers are used [...]

October 2nd, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |

Why Your Logging Industry Clients Need Workers’ Compensation

Why Your Logging Industry Clients Need Workers’ Compensation Coverage Every day, even the most-skilled logging industry workers face risks at work. While cutting and transporting timber, logging workers face dozens of everyday risks, including: Accidents with heavy or moving machinery, which can lead to injuries like traumatic amputation [...]

June 28th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |

Help Logging Clients Navigate Eye Injuries with Great Workers’ Comp and PEO Options

Logging Industry – Eye Injuries In the logging industry, employees frequently work in dangerous environments with heavy machinery, which leads to the risk of catastrophic injuries like traumatic amputations or crushing injuries. But workers shouldn’t overlook the smaller risks, including eye injuries. In the logging industry, there are [...]

February 13th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |