
Stand Alone Workers’ Comp and PEO Options Available for Your Difficult to Cover Warehouse Workers

Repetitive Injury Risks for Warehouse Workers Warehouse employees often do repetitive or similar tasks throughout their workday, such as restocking products, packing orders, or placing products for transportation. This puts them at an increased risk of repetitive motion injuries, or injuries that occur from normal but repeated motions. [...]

May 9th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

Stand Alone Workers’ Comp and PEO Options Available for your Difficult Commercial Boaters Accounts

Heavy Equipment Risks for Commercial Boaters When you think of dangers faced by your commercial boating clients, your first thoughts might be dangerous storms or high seas. However, commercial boaters are also at a high risk of injuries due to heavy equipment on their very own decks. To [...]

Stand Alone Workers’ Comp and PEO Options Available for Your Difficult Long Haul Trucker Accounts

Traffic Accident Risks for Long-Haul Trucker The average long-haul trucker spends over 107,000 miles on the road every year! That’s an impressive number, but their frequent driving also means that long-haul truckers are vulnerable to traffic-related accidents. While driving between destinations, long-haul truckers could experience accidents due to [...]

Stand Alone Workers’ Comp and PEO Options Available for Your Difficult Temporary Staffing Accounts

Overall Statistics on Temp Injuries Did you know that temporary employees are more likely to be injured on the job? In blue-collar industries such as construction or manufacturing, temp employees in the United States are about six times more likely than traditional employees to be injured in on-the-job [...]

April 4th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |