
How Our In-Depth PEO Knowledge Helps Your Insured Find the Best Workers’ Comp Options

In-Depth PEO Knowledge When you’re ordering a dish in a restaurant or having your roof repaired, you want it done by someone who knows what they’re doing—and choosing a PEO shouldn’t be any different. If you work with high-risk clients in industries like recycling or construction, you need [...]

Stand Alone Workers’ Comp and PEO Options Available for Your Clients with Lapsed Coverage

Clients with Lapsed Coverage For some of your high-risk clients, Workers’ Compensation coverage might not seem like its worth the expensive or the hassle of looking for coverage. But letting their Workers’ Compensation coverage lapse can be just as costly! Since most states require Workers’ Compensation insurance, companies [...]

May 16th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

Stand Alone Workers’ Comp and PEO Options Available for Your Difficult High Experience Modification Clients

Providing Help for Agents with High Ex Mod Clients While seeking coverage for your high-risk clients, you might often encounter the elephant in the room—your client’s high experience modification factor, or ex mod. Based on your client’s actual past experience and the expected experience of their Workers’ Comp [...]

Hard To Place PEO Workers Compensation Insurance

How We Help Agents with High Risk, Hard to Place PEO Clients Find a home for your clients, no matter the risk! At PEO Insurance Brokers Network, we’re the experts on helping agents find the best Workers’ Compensation coverage for their clients in high-risk industries. Armed security guards [...]