
Why Your Drug and Alcohol Detox Industry Clients Need Strong Workers’ Compensation and PEO Solutions

Why Your Drug and Alcohol Detox Industry Clients Need Workers’ Compensation Throughout their valuable work helping others in the drug and alcohol detox industry, your clients face many on-the-job risks. These include: Patient violence and aggression Repetitive motion injuries Slip-and-falls Needlestick injuries Exposure to illnesses Exposure to hazardous [...]

Help Inpatient Rehab Industry Clients Find Support and Great Options

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Industry – Patient-Related Violence for Inpatient Workers Workers at inpatient drug and alcohol rehabilitation facilities play an early role in helping people find supportive help for their dangerous addictions. Unfortunately, this also means that inpatient facility employees often work with patients who are in [...]

Helping Rehab Industry Clients Navigate Patient Risks with Workers’ Comp and PEO Options

Drug/Alcohol rehab industry – Patient-related injuries In their roles in the drug or alcohol rehabilitation industry, workers may frequently encounter patients who are struggling with the rehabilitation process. For example, they may encounter patients suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms, suicide ideation, or intense emotions surrounding their recent life [...]

Hard To Place PEO Workers Compensation Insurance

How We Help Agents with High Risk, Hard to Place PEO Clients Find a home for your clients, no matter the risk! At PEO Insurance Brokers Network, we’re the experts on helping agents find the best Workers’ Compensation coverage for their clients in high-risk industries. Armed security guards [...]