
Why Your Construction Clients Need Workers’ Compensation

Why Your Construction Industry Clients Need Workers Compensation A construction site can be a dangerous place, filled with hazards like heavy tools, high heights, and strenuous labor. Due to hazards like these, your clients in the construction industry face a wide variety of injury risks. In the construction [...]

Common Eye Injury Risks for Carpenter Clients—and Strong Workers’ Compensation Options to Help

Construction Industry – Eye Injury Risks for Carpenters At construction worksites, carpenters play a huge role in building, installing, repairing, and maintaining wooden structures like rafters, baseboards, cabinets, and more. To do this, your clients in the carpentry industry use many tools and work at busy construction sites. [...]

December 13th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

PEO and Workers’ Comp to Help Plumbing Clients Navigate Cold Weather Risks

Construction Industry – Cold Weather Risks for Plumbers In the colder months, there’s nothing worse than frozen pipe or faulty water heater. This means that plumbers are especially important in the winter, when they help people repair weather-related issues around their homes and offices. Unfortunately, attending to issues [...]

September 25th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |

Help Construction Clients Overcome Suffocation Risks with Strong Workers’ Comp and PEO Options

Construction Industry – Suffocation Risks in Small Spaces To make repairs on building, construction industry workers may sometimes find themselves working in small, confined spaces like valve pits, trenches, storage tanks, or the crawlspace of a home or other building. When construction workers enter constricted spaces, they are [...]

March 8th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

Helping Construction Clients Reach Greater Heights with Workers’ Comp and PEO Options for Scaffolding Risks

Construction Industry – Scaffolding Injuries To reach high places, like roofs or the upper floors of buildings, construction workers often rely on scaffolding, or elevated platforms used to allow them and their equipment to reach greater heights. Though scaffolding is generally safe when used correctly, accidents can still [...]

September 12th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , , |

How Our In-Depth PEO Knowledge Helps Your Insured Find the Best Workers’ Comp Options

In-Depth PEO Knowledge When you’re ordering a dish in a restaurant or having your roof repaired, you want it done by someone who knows what they’re doing—and choosing a PEO shouldn’t be any different. If you work with high-risk clients in industries like recycling or construction, you need [...]