Armed Security Guards

Why You Need to Help Your Armed Security Guard Clients Find Strong Workers’ Compensation Options

Why Your Armed Security Guard Clients Need Workers’ Compensation Your clients in the armed security industry have an important—and sometimes dangerous—job! While working to protect others in areas like stores, banks, and hospitals, your clients in the armed security guard industry face many on-the-job risks. For your armed [...]

Workers’ Comp and PEO Options to Help Armed Security Guard Clients Navigate Gun Accidents

Armed Security Guard Industry – Gun Accidents Armed security guards play a vital role in keeping our buildings safe. Unfortunately, their duties also put them at an increased risk of violence, including gun violence. For example, a security guard at an office building may encounter an armed intruder, [...]

PEO and Workers’ Comp Options to Help Your Armored Car Service Clients

Armed Security Industry – Traffic Accident Risks for Armored Car Services While they need to move expensive cargo, like large amounts of cash or valuable paintings, many people choose to utilize an armored car service. While armored car drivers play a vital role in transporting pricey or important [...]

Workers Comp and PEO to Help Armed Security Guard Clients with Mental Health Risks

Armed Security Guard Industry – Mental Health Risks Armed security guards play a very important role in protecting others from violence and other hazards. However, this means that armed security guards deal with many stressors throughout their day. These include: Emotional situations Physical demanding work Long or unpredictable [...]

Strong Workers’ Comp and PEO to Help Armed Security Guard Clients with Chemical Exposure Risks

Armed Security Guard Industry – Chemical Exposure While helping keep others safe in office buildings or other facilities, armed security guards may be exposed to a variety of harmful substances. This can include chemicals from targeted or violent attacks, but they are more likely to be exposed to [...]

Protect Armed Security Guards from Transportation Accidents with Great Workers’ Comp and PEO Options

Armed Security Guards Industry – Transportation Accidents While protecting property, armed security guards are often on the go. To patrol an area or respond to an emergency, they may use various types of motorized transportation, like a car, golf car, or motorbike. Unfortunately, this puts armed security guards [...]

Hard To Place PEO Workers Compensation Insurance

How We Help Agents with High Risk, Hard to Place PEO Clients Find a home for your clients, no matter the risk! At PEO Insurance Brokers Network, we’re the experts on helping agents find the best Workers’ Compensation coverage for their clients in high-risk industries. Armed security guards [...]