High Mod PEO Insurance
Experience Modification Factor Workers’ Compensation
High Mod PEO insurance or PEO Insurance with High Ex-Mods can be expensive and hard to place. If you’ve insured workers’ compensation clients in the past, you’re probably familiar with the elephant in the room… the experience modification factor.
At PEO Insurance Brokers Network, we specialize in insuring high ex mods, so you can say “goodbye” to the days of hunting for coverage for your insured.

How Does a Company Improve a High Experience Modification Factor?
How Does the Experience Modification Factor Affect Your Workers’ Compensation Premium?
A high ex mod doesn’t mean your insured is paying a high premium forever. Implementing safety programs and a proactive return-to-work plan can help your client lower their high ex mod over time.
The experience modification factor, at its core, is an incentivization system for employers to provide safer workplaces. The idea is that the safer the workplace, the greater the reward. Employers with a low ex mod reap the benefit of a reduced premium, while those with a high ex mod pay for it… literally.
So what can you do if you have an insured with a high ex mod today? Besides encouraging actions to lower risk, you can contact PEO Insurance Brokers Network to get the high mod workers’ comp coverage your client needs to continue operating safely.
Get Your Insured Top of the Line Workers’ Comp Coverage
Don’t let the occupational hazards associated with your industry stop you from insuring your client. Fill out the form below to explore how we can champion the best workers’ comp coverage together.