Workers’ Compensation for USL&H
Make sure your insured is covered at shore and sea
Life at sea comes with risk and United States Longshore and Harbor workers’ comp coverage is something your insured needs to protect their business. State workers’ compensation simply isn’t enough to cover business at sea. Although marinas are typically exempt from this coverage, waterfront companies within the shipping industry are covered.

PEO & Workers’ Comp. for USL&H
Insurance for the maritime industry
PEO Insurance Brokers Network understands the maritime industry. From welders and pipe fitters to carpenters and painters, there are a number of job descriptions that fall into the USL&H category — making it difficult to find workers’ comp coverage for. Although there are many subtle differences to be mindful of when selecting the right workers’ comp insurance, our experienced team will help you get the coverage you need.
We know the USL&H industry’s risk profile and we’re here to accept the challenge of insuring these high-liability businesses.
With PEO Insurance Brokers Network, we make it effortless for you the agent to get insurance coverage for even your most difficult USL&H accounts. We’ll shop the rates for you so you can focus on exceeding the expectations of your insured.
The best part? There’s no audit required!
How We Make Your Life Easier
PEO Insurance Brokers Network handles the following for your insured:
If you do not need a full-service solution, we can offer a guaranteed cost workers’ compensation self-reporting policy. Contact us to find out how we can best serve you.

Get Your Insured Top of the Line Workers’ Comp Coverage
Don’t let the occupational hazards associated with your industry stop you from insuring your client. Fill out the form below to explore how we can champion the best workers’ comp coverage together.