
Why Your Logging Industry Clients Need Workers’ Compensation

Why Your Logging Industry Clients Need Workers’ Compensation Coverage Every day, even the most-skilled logging industry workers face risks at work. While cutting and transporting timber, logging workers face dozens of everyday risks, including: Accidents with heavy or moving machinery, which can lead to injuries like traumatic amputation [...]

June 28th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |

PEO and Workers’ Comp Options to Help Your Armored Car Service Clients

Armed Security Industry – Traffic Accident Risks for Armored Car Services While they need to move expensive cargo, like large amounts of cash or valuable paintings, many people choose to utilize an armored car service. While armored car drivers play a vital role in transporting pricey or important [...]

Workers’ Comp and PEO Options to Protect Your Cannabis Dispensary Clients

Cannabis Industry – Robbery/Violence Risks for Dispensary Workers Workers at cannabis dispensaries might have a very unique job, but that doesn’t mean they’re immune from workplace injuries or accidents. For cannabis dispensary workers, there are many on-the-job risks that come with selling cannabis products. Since they sell an [...]