
How to Help Home Healthcare Clients Find Solutions for Traffic Accident Risks

Healthcare Industry – Traffic Accidents from Home Healthcare Workers When sick or injured people need extra assistance in their own homes, your home healthcare clients come to the rescue! Through their role, home healthcare workers travel to patient’s personal residences to assist with tasks like administering medications, oxygen [...]

Using Strong Workers’ Comp and PEO Options to Help Cannabis Extractor Clients Handle Repetitive Motion Risks

Cannabis Industry – Repetitive Motion Injuries for Extractors From labor-intensive trimming and pruning processes to operating complex machinery, your clients in the cannabis extraction business face dozens of occupational repetitive motion injury risks! Repetitive motion injuries that occur due to normal but repetitive movements. For cannabis extractors, repetitive [...]

November 13th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |

With Exposure Risks, Your Cosmetic Manufacturing Clients Need Strong Workers’ Comp Options!

Manufacturing Industry – Exposure Risks in Cosmetic Manufacturing While many people use products like makeup and skincare to improve their aesthetic and health, your clients in the cosmetic manufacturing industry might see the uglier side of these products. To create products like makeup and lotions, workers in the [...]

November 8th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |

Injury Challenges—and Workers’ Comp Solutions—for Rice Farming Clients

Agriculture Industry – Common Injury Risks in Rice Farming To bring rice and rice products to tables and pantries around the world, your clients in the rice farming industry often perform labor-intensive agricultural work, like planting and harvesting crops. This puts your rice farming clients at a high [...]

The Basics and Benefits of PEO Co-Employment for Your High-Risk Clients

Basics of PEO Co-Employment Partnering with a professional employer organization (PEO) can have many benefits for your clients, especially those in high-risk industries like construction, tree trimming, and roofing. However, your clients might have many questions about the structure and benefits of a PEO, especially when it comes [...]

October 23rd, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |