
Finding Coverage for Temporary Staffing Clients After a Slip and Fall

Temporary Staffing Industry – Slip and Fall Accidents When a temporary worker enters a new workplace environment, they are at an increased risk of slip-and-fall accidents. If they suffer from a slip-and-fall accident, temporary workers may experience a wide range of injuries, including: Broken bones Strains and sprains [...]

SCIF: Why It Might Not Be Best Solution for High-Risk California Businesses

For high-risk businesses seeking Workers’ Compensation coverage in California, one option is the State Fund, or SCIF. However, SCIF might not always be the best solution for high-risk businesses. The Basics of SCIF SCIF exclusively handles Workers’ Compensation in California. Their primary service is offering competitive rates, which [...]

January 31st, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |

The Downfalls of NCCI Assigned Risk Programs

When a high-risk business needs help finding coverage, they may turn to NCCI, or the National Council on Compensation Insurance, a national non-profit that oversees Workers’ Compensation insurance ratings and administers assigned risk programs. To find the best coverage for your high-risk clients, here is what you need [...]

January 31st, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |

Why Assigned Risk Isn’t the Best Solution for High-Risk Businesses

Businesses in high-risk industries like transportation and manufacturing often struggle to find the Workers’ Compensation they need to protect themselves and their employees. As a result, many businesses consider coverage alternatives, like assigned risk. But is assigned risk the best fit for a high-risk business? What is Assigned [...]

January 30th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |

Helping Commercial Boating Clients Combat Exposure with Great Worker’s Comp and PEO Options

USL&H Industry – Chemical Exposure for Commercial Boating On the water, commercial boating workers face many natural dangers—but they are also at risk of exposure to dangerous chemicals on their own vessel. Commercial fishing vessels use a variety of substances and chemicals, such as: Gasoline Oil Cleaning fluids [...]

Great Workers’ Comp and PEO Options for Tree Planting Workers with Musculoskeletal Injuries

Tree Trimming Industry – Musculoskeletal Injuries for Tree Planting Workers A lot of work goes into planting the trees that beautify communities, provide shade, and make up local forests. Tree planting workers perform many strenuous tasks throughout the process of planting a tree, including digging holes, removing debris [...]

January 16th, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , |

On the Road, Tow Truck Drivers Need Great Worker’s Comp and PEO Options

Transportation Industry – Traffic Accident Risk for Tow Truck Drivers Accidents and vehicle breakdowns occur every day, which means that tow truck drivers have a busy schedule. Between driving to the scene of the accident or breakdown and towing the damaged vehicle to a safer location, tow truck [...]

Workers’ Comp and PEO Options to Protect Roofing Clients Against Traumatic Brain Injuries

Roofing Industry – Traumatic Brain Injuries Since workers in the roofing industry frequently use heavy equipment and materials and perform work at high heights, they are particularly susceptible to traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs. TBIs occur when someone experiences a sudden, violent hit to the head. In the [...]

January 2nd, 2023|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , , , |

With Exposure Risks, Electronic Recycling Workers Need Great PEO and Workers’ Comp Coverage

Recycling Industry – Exposure for Electronics Recycling Workers Even though they’re household items, electronics like computers and televisions can contain toxic substances. This means that when they’re recycled, they can put electronics recycling industry workers at a high risk of exposure. While recycling TVs and other types of [...]

December 26th, 2022|Categories: Blog|Tags: , , |