Learn More About Workers’ Compensation
Our blog highlights topics about the importance of workers’ compensation insurance options in high risk industries such as armed security guards, cannabis, construction, healthcare, manufacturing, temporary staffing, and other difficult to place PEO clients.
Why Your Temporary Staffing Clients Need Robust Workers’ Compensation Solutions
Why Your Temporary Staffing Industry Clients Need Workers’ Compensation Coverage In the temporary staffing industry, workers are sent out to fill roles in a variety of industries, from manufacturing to construction. Because of this, your clients in the temporary staffing industry face a large variety of workplace injury risks. The [...]
How to Help Your Soybean Farming Clients Navigate Industry Risks
Agriculture Industry – Common Injury Risks in Soybean Farming Industry Soybeans are the second most popular crop grown in the United States, and are used in many different types of food products, from sauces to chocolates. When someone enjoys a soybean-based product, it is thanks to your clients and their [...]
Workers’ Compensation Options to Help Barge Industry Clients Overcome Slip-and-Fall Risks
USL&H – Slip-and-Fall Risks for Barge Workers Your barge worker clients have a unique workplace environment—and unfortunately, it presents many unique injury risks. One of these is slip-and-fall risks. While working to build and repair barges, workers in the barge industry may face slip-and-fall risks such as: Wet and slippery [...]
Common Eye Injury Risks for Carpenter Clients—and Strong Workers’ Compensation Options to Help
Construction Industry – Eye Injury Risks for Carpenters At construction worksites, carpenters play a huge role in building, installing, repairing, and maintaining wooden structures like rafters, baseboards, cabinets, and more. To do this, your clients in the carpentry industry use many tools and work at busy construction sites. This puts [...]
What Does Workers’ Compensation Cover for My Clients?
What Does Workers’ Compensation Cover? Your clients need Workers’ Compensation coverage, especially if they’re in high-risk industries like construction, agriculture, or temporary staffing. When a worker is injured in an accident like a slip-and-fall or machinery mishap, Workers’ Compensation plays a valuable role in helping them find compensation and relief. [...]
Help Your Medical Goods Manufacturing Clients Navigate Industry Risks
Manufacturing Industry –Risks in Medical Goods Manufacturing Every day, people use medical products, from household products like thermometers and medicines to high-tech hospital equipment like x-ray machines. Whenever someone uses a medical product, it’s thanks to the work of your clients in the medical goods manufacturing industry. But while they [...]
Workers’ Comp Solutions to Combat Stump Harvesting Injuries in the Logging Industry
Logging Industry – Stump Harvesting Injuries In the logging industry, stump harvesting is a key task. Stump harvesting is the process of extracting the stumps left behind after a tree is harvested or removed. Stump harvesting prevents the regrowth of new trees, plus allows the land to be cleared or [...]
PEO and Workers’ Comp Solutions for Hospice Industry Clients with Mental Health Risks
Healthcare Industry – Mental Health Risks for Hospice When a patient enters a hospice facility, it means they are at the end of their life and require compassionate, dignified care designed to ease their pain and suffering—and they get this valuable care thanks to your clients in the healthcare and [...]
How PEOs Can Help Agriculture Clients Overcome Common Challenges
The Benefits of a PEO for Your Agriculture Industry Clients Your clients in the agriculture industry play a very important role in bringing grains, rice, oils and hundreds of other food products to tables and pantries all across the country. However, labor in the agriculture industry is often strenuous, and [...]
Why Your Cannabis Industry Clients Need Strong Workers’ Compensation Solutions
Why Your Cannabis Industry Clients Need Workers’ Compensation Coverage Do you have clients in the cannabis industry? Cannabis is a unique and ever-growing industry, and the industry employs thousands of people, from growers and extractors to those who package, transport, and sell medical and recreational cannabis products. If your clients [...]
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