

Learn More About Workers’ Compensation

Our blog highlights topics about the importance of workers’ compensation insurance options in high risk industries such as armed security guards, cannabis, construction, healthcare, manufacturing, temporary staffing, and other difficult to place PEO clients.

High Risk Workers’ Compensation Insurance and PEO Service

The Importance of WC Coverage for Your USL&H Clients

Workers Compensation for USL&H Working at sea comes with many risks, and state Workers’ Compensation often isn’t enough to protect your clients from risks like drowning, equipment injuries, weather-related accidents, and more. At PEO Insurance Brokers Network, this is why we specialize in United States Longshore and Harbor (USL&H) Workers’ [...]

April 3rd, 2024|Tags: , , |

How to Help Your Cannabis Industry Clients Overcome Slip-and-Fall Risks

Cannabis Industry – Slip-and-Fall Risks In the cannabis industry, there are many unique injury and accidents. However, your clients shouldn’t overlook general slip-and-fall risks, which can occur even in a unique industry like cannabis. A slip-and-fall accident is an accident that occurs when someone is injured due to a slip, [...]

Why Your Warehouse Industry Clients Need Strong Workers’ Compensation Options

Why Your Warehouse Clients Need Workers’ Compensation In the warehouse industry, your clients need strong Workers’ Compensation coverage options! This is because your clients in the warehouse industry face a wide variety of unique injury and accidents risks. For your warehouse industry clients, some of the most common injury and [...]

PEO and Workers’ Compensation Options for Tree Trimming Clients with Equipment Injury Risks

Tree Trimming Industry – Equipment Injuries in Tree Trimming To perform essential and everyday tasks like cutting, pruning, and maintaining trees, your clients in the tree trimming industry use a variety of tools and equipment, like: Chainsaws Ladders Wood chippers Handheld tools, like pruning shears Ropes and rigging equipment Axes [...]

How to Help Your Paper Recycling Industry Clients Reduce Machinery Risks

Recycling Industry – Machinery Risks in Paper Recycling In the paper recycling industry, your clients may frequently use fast-moving or dangerous machinery, including: Conveyor systems Baling machines Shredders Granulators Pulpers and hydrapulpers Roll splitters Forklifts Your clients are likely well-trained on how to handle machinery like these, and may use [...]

March 18th, 2024|Tags: , , |

Can a PEO Help My Temporary Staffing Industry Clients?

The Benefits of a PEO for Your Temporary Staffing Clients Temporary staffing is a unique industry, and your clients in the temporary staffing industry face unique challenges and risks! This is because your clients in the temporary staffing industry may often fill roles in high-risk industries, such as construction, armed [...]

Why Your Construction Clients Need Workers’ Compensation

Why Your Construction Industry Clients Need Workers Compensation A construction site can be a dangerous place, filled with hazards like heavy tools, high heights, and strenuous labor. Due to hazards like these, your clients in the construction industry face a wide variety of injury risks. In the construction industry, the [...]

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Warehouse Industry – Forklift Accidents

Get Your Insured Top of the Line Workers’ Comp Coverage

Don’t let the occupational hazards associated with your industry stop you from insuring your client. Fill out the form below to explore how we can champion the best workers’ comp coverage together.