Manufacturing Industry – Noise Exposure Risks

While working in the manufacturing industry, your clients might be exposed to frequent loud noises. This can lead to noise exposure injuries, which can be the result of risks like:

  • Heavy machinery, such as lathes or grinding machines
  • Power tools, like saws or drills
  • Conveyor systems
  • Assembly line operations

While equipment and machinery like these are often part of the job in the manufacturing industry, frequent or intense exposure to loud machinery or other loud noises can lead to serious noise exposure injuries. For your clients in the manufacturing industry, some of the most common types of noise exposure injuries include:

  • Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL)
  • Tinnitus
  • Noise-related stress, which can lead to sleep disorders, anxiety, and depression
  • Cardiovascular problems, which can be complicated or exacerbated by prolonged noise exposure

Additionally, noisy environments can increase the risk of other workplace accidents. For example, if a manufacturing industry worker might not be able to properly communicate warnings about a slip-and-fall risk due to a loud environment, leading to injuries from a slip-and-fall.

Due to the high-risk of noise exposure injuries, it can be difficult for your manufacturing industry clients to find the Workers’ Compensation coverage they need. At PEO Insurance Brokers Network, we know the unique challenges of the manufacturing industry and are ready to help your clients find the Workers’ Compensation coverage they need to navigate noise exposure and other common industry risks. We provide Workers’ Compensation coverage to businesses in need, no matter the risk, and will help you find the best PEO coverage and savings for your clients in manufacturing and other high-risk industries.

To learn how we can help you find coverage for your manufacturing industry and other high-risk industry clients, please reach out to receive a quote.

Published On: January 8th, 2024Categories: BlogTags: , , ,
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